Orígenes de lo eterno y así las cosas, de Lourdes Vázquez

Literary Wednesdays


Wednesday, May 12, 2021.


7 PM

This month, the series named LITERARY WEDNESDAYS, with the support of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE), Baquiana Literary Magazine and the Spanish Cultural Center of Miami (CCEMIAMI), had two special guests from Puerto Rico: the writer Lourdes Vázquez and the professor Daniel Torres Rodríguez, in order to present the book of short stories ORÍGENES DE LO ETERNO Y ASÍ LAS COSAS (Madrid: Editorial Verbum, 2020).

Every second Wednesday of the month, the series LITERARY WEDNESDAYS invites different authors, in order to go ahead with the contribution to the cultural development of the community and the promotion of the language and literature in Spanish in the United States of America. The programs are coordinated and conducted by Maricel Mayor Marsán, president of the Florida Delegation of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE) and director of Baquiana Literary Magazine.


Information about the book:

In this new book of short stories, Lourdes Vázquez recurs to the archives, to the bibliographic investigation, to the marginal or minor texts of the literature and the history: letters rediscovered, side notes within historical and literary texts, to journalism, to the rumors, to the genealogical search, and to the oral legend, but not with the intention to recover the past but to reveal in it, as it proposed in his moment, also of crisis, Walter Benjamin, the disturbing and ghostly, of whatever is left to the painful and unredeemed in that past.

The book is divided in two parts. It consists of ten short stories and a chronic/story. In the first part, the author includes the 10 short stories that appear in the book. In the second part, the author includes a hybrid text that pieces together the prose, the chronic, and the poetry. It is titled The Tango Files. The theme revolves around the love for this dance from writers such as Borges and Sábato, as well as from the relationship between tango and literature. The author is also an enthusiastic follower of the official history of this dance and she practices it equally.

Information about the panelists


She was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico. She is a poet, narrator, essayist, and an Emeritus Librarian from Rutgers University. Among the awards she has received are included: the Honorable Mention of the National Poetry Series / Paz Prize for Poetry (USA) for Un enigma esas muñecas (Torremozas, 2015) and the Honorable Mention to her anthology of poetry Bestiary: Selected Poems 1986-1997 (Bilingual Review Press de Arizona State University, 2004) as well as the Award «Juan Rulfo» (France, 2002) for her short story “La Estatuilla”. A selection of her poetry has been published in Italian: Appunti dalla Terra Frammentata (EDEBOM, 2012) as well as her chronic The Tango Files (Edizione Arcoiris, 2016). Her books of short stories includes: La mujer, el pan y el pordiosero (Eón, 2010), Adagio con fugas y ciertos afectos (Verbum, 2013) y Orígenes de lo eterno y así las cosas (Verbum, 2020). She compiled the anthology Cuando narradoras latinoamericanas narran en Estados Unidos (Fundación Ross, 2009). Other books are her novel Sin ti no soy yo: second edition (2012) translated into English under the title Not Myself Without You (Bilingual Review Press of Arizona State University 2012) and she is part of the lists ‘Top Ten “New” Latino Authors to Watch’ and The New Essential Guide to Spanish Reading.



He was born in Caguas, Puerto Rico. He is a poet, professor, novelist, and literary critic. Actually, he is a professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at Ohio University. As a literary critic, he has published: José Emilio Pacheco o las voces subalternas de una poesía de las cosas (Madrid, 2015), La isla del (des)encanto: apuntes sobre una nueva literatura boricua (San Juan, Santo Domingo, 2015), Dulce canoro cisne mexicano: la poesía completa de Carlos Sigüenza y Góngora (Barcelona, 2012) and La poesía en la literatura española y latinoamericana de Garcilaso de la Vega a José Emilio Pacheco (Madrid, 2007). Among his creative writings are two novels: Morirás si da una primavera(1993 y 2014) Letras de Oro Award 1991-1992 of the University of Miami, and  Conversaciones con Aurelia (2007 and 2017); a book of short stories: Historias de tres cuerpos (1995 y 2016); a book of chronicles, stories and poetry Escritos desde el margen (2006), and his Collected Poetry: En (el) imperio de (los) sentidos: Poseía (in)completa 1981-2011(2013). In 2018, he published Poemas para leerse en la calle (Yucatán). He won the National Poetry Prize from the PEN Club of Puerto Rico in 2009 for his poetry book dedicated to the love and the community LGBT.


Información acerca de la presentadora:


She was born in Santiago of Cuba. She is a poet, narrator, playwright, essayist, editor, literary critic, translator, director of the Editorial Board of Baquiana Literary Magazine, numerary member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE), and correspondent member of the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE). She has published more than twenty books in different literary genres. Her most recent books of poetry are: Rumores de Suburbios (2009) and Miami / poemas de la ciudad – poems of the city (2015). Of theater: Trilogía de Teatro Breve (2012) and Las Tocayas (2013). Of essays, notes and literary reviews: Crónicas Hispanounidenses (2014). Her work has been partially translated into several languages, as well as published in magazines and anthologies in Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and the USA. She has received some awards and acknowledgements in Chile and the United States. She participated in the writing of the first “Encyclopedia of Spanish in the United States” (Yearbook of the Cervantes Institute) in Madrid, Spain (Santillana, 2008). The publishing house Holt, Rinehart & Winston included her poetry in the text books: Exprésate(2006- 2010) and Cultura y Lenguaje (2007-2010), used in the study of Spanish in middle and high schools throughout the United States. In the year 2010, she was selected among the most outstanding 100 Latinos of Miami for her work and contribution to the culture.

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