Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
2:00 PM
Next April, the third season of the successful series named LITERARY WEDNESDAYS will continue with the support of the Delegation of Florida of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE), Baquiana Literary Magazine, Baquiana Editions, and the Spanish Cultural Center of Miami (CCEMiami). In this occasion, we will have the presence of two important figures of the Mexican intelligentsia, the writer Arturo Morell and the journalist Dulce María Ramón, to present a singular novel written by both: IS THERE A LETTER IN YOUR MAILBOX?
The LITERARY WEDNESDAY’S series invite different authors, in order to continue with the contribution to the cultural development of the community and the promotion of the language and literature in Spanish in the United States of America. The programs are coordinated and conducted by Maricel Mayor Marsán, president of the Florida Delegation of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE) and director of Baquiana Literary Magazine.
The event will be recorded by the digital platform ZOOM and it will be available permanently to the public at the BAQUIANA TV Channel of YouTube as soon as:
Date: Wednesday, April 10 of 2024.
Hour: 2:00 PM
The event will be conducted in SPANISH.
The link will be available at the main pages of the following websites: |
Information about the book:
The epistolary exchange seems as something of the past, but for two characters with a long and intense life history in common as Pablo and Luz María, this type of communication continues to be more valid than ever before. Elements such as Mexico City, the Earthquake of 1985 and Madrid,
Spain, are essentials in their existence. This is the way that two human beings, as emotionals as unpredictables, intertwine this novel through emails where they interchange old memories as well as dreams, failures and expectations.
This novel comes along with the prologue of Ana Guillot from Buenos Aires, Argentine and it is
available through Amazon in México, United States and all the countries that use such platform.
Is there a letter in your mailbox?” Katakana Editors, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-7365650-9-4. Pages: 224.
Information about the authors:
He is a social and cultural activist. He is also a theater director, specialized in social themes, along his other activities as writer, poet, actor, filmmaker, diplomat, attorney and administrator. He was awarded the National Prize for Equality and No Discrimination. He is the founder of the Foundation Voice of Liberty, dedicated to the analysis of social problems and to the design of cultural strategies among the ones that stand out are “The largest spiral of books of the World”, “A cry of Freedom” and 20 editions of the “Hispanic American Festival of Pastorelas”. He has published previously five books: Screenshot: Are you… safe? (Editorial Selector, 2021), Trust in yourself and change your environment: social transformation through culture (Editorial Porrúa, 2019), Unspeakable love: sunrise verses (Editorial Baquiana, 2012), From Poli to Diva… and of Return (Editorial Libros de Godot, 2007) and Lines at Dawn (Editorial Letras Vivas, 2003). He has been Cultural Consul of Mexico in Miami, director of the Koubek Center of Miami Dade College and director of Ibero-American Relations of Miami Book Fair International. He designed and directed three editions of the Festival Mexico-Miami. As a playwright, he has written the plays From Poli to Diva… and of Return, A spectacular Christmas: Pastorela of the Ibero-American integration, Chavos United for the No violence, Serpentario, Ready to die? Traps for the Ego, the Doubt and the Attachment, I am and I exist, Express: masculine voices that liberate and Alchemy and Transmutation: women prisoners, inside and outside of a jail that was premiered at the 46º International Cervantine Festival. He has received acknowledgments of the Association of Theater Journalists, the Mexican Association of Theater Critics, the Union of Reporters and Theater Critics, the World Association for Awareness and Femme Leaders d´Amerique with the Medal to the Merit for Awareness. In the year 2010 he was recognized as one of the 100 Latinos most distinguished of Miami. His documentary “A cry of Freedom” received the prize for the Best Documentary at the Bright Minds Film Festival, organized for Mission Possible Foundation. Actually, he is the general director of the Institute for Social Rehabilitation of the Government of Mexico City where he has implemented his Integral Project of Social, Harmonic and Empathic Rehabilitation.
She is a reporter of mexican nationality that for over 20 years has collaborated as a journalist with different newspapers and means of communication, printed as well as digitals. She is the creator of the Blog in Internet called “Whims of a trade” that due to her popularity and acceptance gave birth to the printed book of the same name and of which she is the author. Being the interview the genre that she masters the most, thanks to her characteristical empathy with her interlocutor, she has immortalized in her book the interviews with great figures in journalism such as: Vicente Leñero, Elena Poniatowska, Bárbara Jacobs, Julio Martínez Ríos, Ángeles Mastretta, Mónica Lavín, Mario Bellatín, Eusebio Ruvalcaba, among others. At the same time, she has published in some media groups such as Milenio Diario, Milenio Semanal and Revista Musiclife, her word exchanges with important personalities of the cultural, social and political sectors such as Patrick Charpenel (Fundación Jumex), Javier Marín, Mercedes Alemán, Guillermo Briseño, Camilo Lara, Ximena Sariñana, Fernanda Tapia, Martha Chapa, Santiago Carbonell, Juan Sebastián Barberá, Ivonne Domenge, Damián Alcázar and Alberto Estrella, to mention a few. At the moment, she is an active collaborator of Neotraba and Entrepreneur, among other media outlets, where her distinguished participation regarding diverse topics reaches the general public.
Information about the presenter:
She was born in Santiago of Cuba. She is a poet, narrator, playwright, essayist, editor, literary critic, translator, director of the Editorial Board of Baquiana Literary Magazine, numerary member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE), and correspondent member of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). She has published more than twenty books in different literary genres. Her most recent books of poetry are: Rumores de Suburbios (2009) and Miami / poemas de la ciudad – poems of the city (2015). In theater: Trilogía de Teatro Breve (2012) and Las Tocayas (2013). In essays, notes and literary reviews: Crónicas Hispanounidenses (2014). In children’s literature: Nunuk: el insecto amistoso / the friendly bug (2022). Her work has been partially translated into several languages, as well as published in magazines and anthologies in Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and the USA. She has received some awards and acknowledgements in Chile and the United States. She participated in the writing of the first “Encyclopedia of Spanish in the United States” (Yearbook of the Cervantes Institute) in Madrid, Spain (Santillana, 2008). The publishing house Holt, Rinehart & Winston included her poetry in the textbooks: Exprésate (2006- 2010) and Cultura y Lenguaje (2007-2010), used in the study of Spanish in middle and high schools throughout the United States. In the year 2010, she was selected among the most outstanding 100 Latinos of Miami for her work and contribution to the culture of the city.
More info:
Date: Wednesday, April 10 of 2024.
Hour: 2:00 PM
The event will be conducted in SPANISH.
The link will be available at the main pages of the following websites: |