Forward Motion

Karen Peterson Dance Company


From September 26, 2018 to September 29, 2018.


Different times

FORWARD MOTION produced by Karen Peterson and Dancers will be one of the first festivals and conferences anywhere in the world showcasing groundbreaking physically integrated dance companies and choreography. This groundbreaking contemporary dance form – inclusive of those with and without disabilities, on stage, and in the audience – challenges artistic and societal perceptions of what defines physical beauty, and beautiful movement. Forward Motion will take place from September 26-29, 2018, and feature some of the best dance companies of any kind, in performance, in discussion and holding workshops.

With leading support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the National Endowment of the Arts, KPD has put together a powerful line-up that will appeal to Miami audiences, as well as help define what physically integrated dance is in 2018. Visiting companies who will perform, in addition to KPD, are:

London-based Candoco Dance Company, one of the world’s top inclusive contemporary dance companies, with dancers with and without disabilities, works with a range of world-class choreographers, and have led the field in terms of sharing inclusive practice methods, and creating an inclusive youth dance group.

San Francisco Bay area (Oakland) AXIS Dance Company, the leading physically integrated company in the U.S., who tours extensively and collaborates with some of the most prolific choreographers working today.

Tampa-based REVolutions Dance, which was founded by Dwayne Scheunemann and Amie West in 2005 as a physically integrated dance company, and has gone on to perform around the world.

Special festival passes may be purchased HERE.

Discount available for CCEMiami members (Please call us at 305-448-9677)

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