From March 25, 2021 to May 31, 2021.
CCEMiami would like to invite you to the 3D Virtual Exhibition “Atravesando el tiempo como un único rayo de luz” / “Getting through time like a single ray of light” by Tomás Valdivieso.
The view will be available until May 31st 2021.
Tomas Valdivieso, a multidisciplinary artist, recovers through this work his most activist speech so far concerning social injustice and inequality.
International Women’s Day, besides a turning point in the struggle for civil rights, is a month to reflect on the evolution of women’s roles through history.
By taking the feminist narrative as the starting point of this month, Valdivieso explores all genres from a non-binary perspective into the recount of all forms of gender violence. The Chilean artist investigates the psychological complex built by the heteropatriarchy, the superstructures deeply rooted in popular culture, into economic growth opportunities, and into an abject and trivial language that builds exclusion, vital exile, or loss of reference.
Tomás Valdivieso questions feminism itself and society as a whole, asking questions and generating answers related to traditional gender stereotypes, clichés rooted in society, and binary behavior patterns imposed by a system of values indebted to religious complexes and morals. Valdivieso juxtaposes the still photo portrayed by traditional feminism, making visible new behavior patterns in gender and new masculinities, highlighting the need to revisit and reconstruct the roles assumed in a binary cultural scheme.
Each work is made up of a sum of images that, according to their arrangement, color and texture, invite viewers to immerse themselves in a universe full of recognizable symbols and reconstruct a contemporary reality in which we are immersed today; dissatisfied, vindictive, and rebellious.
As Tomás Valdivieso states: “The normalization of social injustice is a time bomb without a timer.” According to Valdivieso, reviewing history from the victims’ point of view cannot be postponed, not to encourage victimization or gloating, but to reverse a reality that could explode, generating fracture and radicalization.
That way, the artist takes us into the macho logic, making us see the array of victims within an obsolete cultural and social scheme: “It is urgent to propose the deconstruction of genders as established roles, to understand how we, men, we have been victims of a system that impose us the way we should behave, conditioning ourselves to a form that annihilates our identity ”. Thus, Valdivieso claims the fluid approach within gender discourse as part of its natural evolution.
We are two energies in synergy, getting through time like a single ray of light.
The view showcases a group of characters, wrapped in symbolism, that proposes to undertake a redemptive and reparative journey towards an “ideal universe”.
Jaume Amills